
AGNYFamily1209When you ask most marketing professionals about results, they typically offer you their portfolio, showcasing the success they have achieved in creating ads, collateral, publicity, etc. And I’m also happy to share examples of the work I’ve done over the years, which can be found in the Portfolio section of this site.

However, while creativity is what drew me to this profession, I’ve always understood that the business is ultimately driven by the bottom line. The creative methodology and delivery are important, but they have little value unless they achieve the results they were designed to, whether that be raising awareness, generating sales, establishing market share, or retaining it by fostering customer loyalty.

I have a long track record of consistently delivering such results. And I think prospective clients might be interested in seeing what my portfolio has been able to accomplish – the results I have helped achieve through the strategic and creative implementation of my skills and expertise.

At my most recent in-house position, Asphalt Green, there was only an inside sales force, which fielded inquires and met with walk-ins (as opposed to actively reaching out to and engaging new prospects). So it was up to my marketing department to (often literally) bring in the business, whether directly through e-commerce or by generating leads – compelling people to call or come visit our facility so the sales team could close the deal.

This made it much easier to quantify the results of our marketing efforts. And I’ve included the following highlights of what we were able to achieve during my tenure as the organization’s marketing director:

  • Within three weeks of taking the position, I orchestrated the grand reopening of the aquatics center, producing the most successful event in the organization’s history, including twice the expected turnout and the best-ever single day and month in terms of membership sales;
  • In 2007-08, I helped achieve membership sales 25-percent above target as well as the organization’s first-ever three-month streak of surpassing membership sales targets (despite having our marketing budget reduced halfway through the year);
  • In 2008-09, I helped increase membership sales by 20 percent (52-percent new customers) and program revenue by 22 percent (42-percent new customers) in the worst economy in 75 years (and with our marketing budget slashed even further);
  • As of January 2010, halfway through the fiscal year, fee-based programs were more than half-a-million dollars ahead of budget and on-track to surpass the previous year’s profit margin, which was the best in the organization’s history.