Email Newsletters

During my agency days, I wrote and produced a number of newsletters, both internally and externally, including an award-winning magazine for Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. In the digital age, most newsletters are now sent via email, and I have amassed plenty of experience in this arena as well.

At Asphalt Green, I helped generate content for and managed the distribution of regular email newsletters using Constant Contact. This was primarily owned media, as we always had sufficient content – events, advice, programs, and news – to share.

At WE ACT for Environmental Justice, I write and produce a monthly email newsletter for our list of nearly 10,000 recipients using MailChimp. In addition, I frequently do targeted eblasts and have recently begun a select newsletter strictly for the organization’s Board Members, which the Development department re-purposes for use with donors and other funders.

As a freelancer, I have specialized in creating customized monthly email newsletters for real estate agents using MailChimp. I use content marketing (shared media) to put the agent in front of their contacts on a regular basis, strengthening those connections by positioning them as a knowledgeable source of information and engaging them whenever possible. You can see some examples of these newsletters – which have been consistently delivering open and click rates that exceed the industry averages by 47 and 83 percent, respectively – in the Portfolio section of this site.